
New Features Added to MGI Solution Explorer
Dec 26 2023

MGI Solution Explorer now has several new features that make it a bit more flexible. First, you now can control how version numbers are set and it’s adjustable on a per-item basis. Second, there’s now a built-in way to set conditional disables on a per-item and -configuration basis. Third, you can now use version numbers in Run VI and Shell Command steps.

Mar 29 2022

You have probably been in this situation before: you have a bunch of classes in your project with configuration data and you want to be able to edit them in the UI and store them on disk, but they don’t all have a common ancestor. Maybe some of them are Actors and others are not. The natural solution is to use interfaces, and now LabVIEW has them. This article will show how to use a “Configurable” interface that’s applicable to Actors and non-Actors, handles UI and disk, and works great with tiered configuration where parts of some classes’ configuration are stored in an abstract parent and other parts are in various children.

UI Design for Flight Test
Dec 04 2020

There are many opinions as to what is a good flight test user interface, and there is some flexibility, especially if the UI will be used in a Telemetry room where preserving night vision (dark adapted sight) is not a concern. For UIs that will be used in flight, strict adherence to aircraft display design guidance is best.

Data Storage Options
Dec 03 2020

Flight test aircraft can generate massive amounts of data, especially when audio and video streams are added to the acquisition system. Some data storage file types can be very inefficient. Consideration of the correct file type and correct storage data types is necessary to ensure that you can efficiently store and access your data.

Data Processing
Dec 02 2020

The data processing needs of any flight test organization are fairly similar. Analog and Digital data will need to be acquired. Calibrations will be needed. Digital data must be decoded. Derived Parameters will need to be calculated. At least some level of digital filtering will likely be needed. Limit checking will be needed. Plots will have to be made by the hundreds. Batch processing will be needed. Data will have to be reviewed quickly, prior to the next flight during envelope expansion.

Plotting in 2.5D !
Jul 05 2018

Sometimes a plot needs to represent multiple types of information, for example an image and annotations to that image. LabVIEW controls and indicators have a variety of features that can help if you know where to look, and you can do even more if you get a bit tricky.